IBD Scholars

The Institute for Biophysical Dynamics partially funds a limited number of undergraduates with stipends of $2500 to undergraduate students in the College who have research projects in IBD labs in Summer.  Individual faculty will need to provide the remaining summer stipend ($2500) and will mentor the scholar group during the summer by attending research discussions.  Faculty mentors will provide feedback during student research talks, to stimulate discussion in the group, and to serve in a general mentoring role.  IBD Scholars will meet with undergraduate Scholars in other on campus programs such as Chemistry or Physics and will have the responsibilities of full-time (40 hours/week) research in the Summer (10 weeks) and actively participate in weekly meetings in the summer.

Potential IBD Scholars will be required to prepare:
an application with a 2-page research proposal and a statement of career goals,
arrange for a transcript as part of the application, and obtain a letter of support from an IBD Faculty member, addressing the mentoring plan.

All materials must be emailed to Candice Lewis: cllewis@uchicago.edu 

There is no US citizenship or residency requirement for applicants to the IBD Scholar program.

Important dates:
Application deadline:           4 PM, Tuesday, April 1
Awards Announced:            Week of May 1
Program Begins:                  Beginning of Summer Quarter, (Monday, June 16)

It is important to provide high-quality research experiences to our talented students in the College and hope that students intending to pursue graduate studies will apply. Please note that these awards are likely to be competitive.