All seminars will be held at noon in GCIS W301.

Date Speaker Institution  Faculty Host
September 17 Cassandra Hayne U Chicago Mike Rust
October 1

Mohammed Kaplan

Joshua Weinstein

U Chicago Mike Rust
October 15 Peter Walter UCSF David Pincus
October 22 Noah Mitchell U Chicago Mike Rust
November 12 Jennifer Ross    Syracuse Mike Rust
November 19 Padmini Rangamani UCSD Jasmine Nirody
January 21 Lacra Bintu Stanford Andrew Koh
Feb 4 Luke Chao Mass Gen Hospital Yamuna Krishnan
Postponed Rob Tycko NIH Greg Voth
March 4 Rajan Sah Washington Univ of St. Louis Axel Concepcion
March 25 Joshua Shaevitz Princeton Elizabeth Jerison
April 1 Olaf Andersen Cornell Benoit Roux
April 29 Pulin Li Whitehead Ed Munro
May 6 Polly Fordyce Stanford David Pincus
May 27 Kandice Tanner NIH/NCI Andrew Koh
June 3 Gregoire Altan-Bonnet NIH Elizabeth Jerison